Thursday, December 17, 2015

So You Think You Can Drink?

I have some friends coming into town to hang out and drink, by hang out I mean drink, I do not know how clear that was by putting those two together.  Whenever a large group of my friends get together it is generally to consume alcohol in its various forms.  Why?  It is fun, yeah being hungover sucks but retelling the night is a lot of fun too.  You wake up and you put something on the TV you don't care about and regale yourself with stories of your stupidity.  It's like a sleepover girls have in movies where they just talk.  No shit, Napoleon found a wheelchair once and we acted like Pootytime was paralyzed at the bar, it was amazing,  Napoleon just got done teaching children and found a wheelchair, that shit is not happening unless you and your friends drink.

So in the clusterfuck that is a group message our buddy (who shall now be known as Beer Guy, because of his love of shitty craft beer) claims "I will drink you all under the table."  That got me thinking, who is the best drinker and what makes a good drinker?  Of course I googled the second question in various forms and all I got were things about how how to drink moderately and I didn't like that Google was trying to make me confront a problem I don't have.  Moderation is boring, we never would have acted like Pootytime was paralyzed and got some meathead bouncer to carry him up the stairs to another bar by moderately drinking.  I would never have offered a cop 200$ I did not have to taze me by moderately drinking some beers.  Pootytime would not have creeped out Napoleon's cousin by moderately drinking at his wedding.  All these stories would suck, if not for consuming in excessive amounts most of the time Natty Light.

We will attack this one at a time but the members in this ranking are as follows...
1.  Wicket (Me)
2.  Pootytime (Idiot)
3.  Napoleon (Small)
4.  Headcut (Fake Hippie)
5.  Beer Guy (Beer Guy)
6.  Lasers (Really Likes Softball)
7.  Poke (Beautiful Hair, Creepy Facial Hair)
8.  Yanni (Jew)
9.  Boots (Chick)
10.  Sugarfoot (Wildcard)

This is not an actual order just the participants.  First category is speed.  Basically how quick one consumes one beer.  This is important for some reason.

1.  Beer Guy
2.  Pootytime
3.  Sugarfoot
4.  Boots
5.  Lasers
6.  Napoleon
7.  Wicket
8.  Yanni
9.  Poke
10.  Headcut

Something to point out here, drinking fast, is stupid, it is how you cannot drink for longer amounts of time.  What?  No this is not about the dangers of binge drinking, get the hell out of here rational voice.  Okay Pootytime and Beer Guy are by far the faster drinkers of all of us and I would guess Sugarfoot pounds him some beers because I see it on Snapchat a lot.  Boots outdrinks everyone else and to quote Pootytime's dad, Wise Pooty, "Is that Wicket's girlfriend....she can pound the shit out of a beer."  As far as the rest they are determined in an odd order I just kind of decided.  i do start slow though.  On to tolerance.  Which I have decided is how much you can drink and how quickly it has an effect on you.

1.  Wicket
2.  Sugarfoot
3.  Yanni
4.  Napoleon
5.  Lasers
6.  Headcut
7.  Boots
8.  Beer Guy
9.  Pootytime
10.  Poke

I am the master of drinking until like 5 AM and listening to depressing music while singing off all of the keys, didn't know them to begin with anyway.  This is a pure guess with Sugarfoot because I exclusively drink with him across Snapchat like we already discussed.  Yanni and Napoleon have a surprising tolerance for being so small.  Lasers can drink pretty steadily for a long amount of time and Headcut and Boots have probably regressed a little since college.  Beer Guy and Pootytime though, because of their speed drinking, outkick their coverage.  The speed leads them to drink say 11 beers and then decide they are not even buzzed yet so they continue to speed drink and then bam...

reaction running dead tired faint
Pootytime at 1:00 AM all hits them at the same time.  Poke has already decided via text he is the worst so fuck him.  On to beer gaming, which is a viable statistic because that means continuous drinking.

1.  Headcut
2.  Wicket
3.  Napoleon
4.  Boots
5.  Pootytime
6.  Yanni
7.  Lasers
8.  Poke
9.  Sugarfoot
10.  Beer Guy

Headcut is really good at all beer games but struggles with the drinking part.  Myself and Napoleon are about neck and neck except that psychologically I own him.  The rest are sort of interchangeable but Sugarfoot did not even know what 3-cup was, huge red flag, and Beer Guy just starts paying way too much attention to what music is being played and white women he cannot sleep with.

I am getting tired of this ranking business so to summarize...

Boots: Chick, good drinker, will not stop drinking once reaching a certain point, will vomit in your clean laundry basket, invented stupid drinking game called Suicide

Beer Guy: Beer snob, drinks sour beers, tries to beer game with IPA's, you know that person that tries to introduce you to music (Me) or books (Pootytime) or sexual assault (Sugarfoot) Beer Guy does this with beer, has a kegorator his richer more successful roommate bought, goes to hard to fast, horrible with ideas

Lasers: pretty steady drinker, not to fast not to slow, a staggering amount of nights ending up not drunk when drinking, generally more responsible than the rest of us, sells lasers

Yanni: Jew, plays the violin, had to change his pad when we poured red bull into his Four Loko, looks like Harry Potter as an adult man, deceivingly good at beer pong, hates mages

Poke: picked last in beer pong, admits to sucking at drinking, why am I still talking, despite being tiny as shit ready to throw down at all times

Wicket: slow starter, stays up until 5 AM, has drank 4-5 Four Lokos in one night, woke up with boxers inside out and backwards one time, impressive beer gamer, annoying about music, only likes rules that make him win, psychological ninja

Napoleon: Human Pop! Figurine, beer gamer, drinks modelo casually, got way to into keeping beer pong stats, must have generic music to drink, always wants to involve everyone,   never gets that drunk somehow

Sugarfoot: Drank with him once at a wedding...ripped shirt off...was very nice and cordial at Bob Evans next day...solid guy

Headcut: Beer gamer only, likes nature, had sex in my bed a lot while I was gone, offers to clean sheets

Pootytime: always wants to get fucked up, has also drank 4-5 Four Lokos in one night, passes out a lot, never makes it to the end, most visually drunk person I have ever seen

#10............Poke, I think we all knew this.

#9..............Yanni, he has probably got worse over time

#8..............Headcut, gets full very quickly, hampers his ability to drink beers

#7..............Pootytime, while he has drank 4 Four Lokos in a night he always gets far drunker than everyone else and falls asleep sitting up

#6.............Beer Guy, if he is actually drinking to get drunk, it will happen quickly, and he will play fake reggae music then break something

#5............Sugarfoot, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt, we will see if the Snapchat drinker can hang

#4............Boots, only girl that has ever hung with us while drinking, big reason I now date her

#3............Lasers, more so because if he drank a lot, he would probably be fine, steady drinker

#2............Napoleon, yeah I messed these up

#1............Wicket, that's right, I ranked myself first, these are rational and totally not biased

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