Saturday, August 10, 2013

4 Four Loko Day Live Blog

It has started, the day of reckoning, the Ragnarok, end of days, a Roland Emmerich movie title.  Pooty and I are drinking 4 Four Lokos......and it has begun.

(Wicket) 7:15- First Loko is cracked.  It is pineapple because I have never had it and terrible unknown things are apparently more appealing to me than terrible known things.  I take a is not bad.

7:18- Fuck Pineapple Lokos.

7:36- We are playing Worms, not gay it is a sweet game look it up. I have discovered the flavor of every four loko, that type of kool-aid and then you eat a cigarette.  It is nasty, at first you think this is good then you realize someone jammed cancer into your mouth to mix with the kool-aid.  How much do I regret this currently, not much, I feel bad ass, but I am not really smart.

7:44- Pooty can't log into his name, he sucks.  Halfway through the Pineapple and my stomach is feeling pretty good, apparently lava sauce from taco bell is a good buffer.

(PootyTime) 7:52- For the past 25 minutes I have been playing the "worms drinking game" with a strawberry-lemonade 4 loko. This is the worst decision I have made since I agreed to drink four 4 lokos in one night. However, the first loko is going down quite well. Like pink lemonade on a hot summer day.

7:54- This now takes like shit. Like a can of Milwaukee's Best that has been sitting under my car seat for the last four years. Fuck my life.

8:07- I am now quickly approaching the end of my first 4 loko. Although it already tasted like an ashtray, it has progressively gotten worse. This strawberry loko tastes like I have been chewing on an aluminum can, that has been sprayed with strawberry air-freshener.

(Wicket) 8:19- I have finished my 1st, the first quarter is done, I am drawing comparisons to football meaning I don't know what I am doing.  Level of regret, less than earlier, how drunk am I, meh.

8:22- Headcut has arrived, he called us idiots, eh probably true.  Two new nicknames, White-Black & Poke, they are making sure we live, or watching us die.  Pooty just tried to change the PS2 DVD with the PS3 controller, everything is going as it should.

Also 8:22- Uva Berry flavor, what does that mean, probably terrible, but apparently it means purple flavor.  Pooty says it is delicious, tastes like grape fanta.  WANNA FANTA DONT YA WANNA WANNA FANTA.  Seriously, everytime you hear someone say fanta you think of that horrible song.

8:39- If I make it to the bars tonight slap me, also this won't be posted until tomorrow so, nevermind.

(Pooty) 8:43- Halfway through the second loko and I seem to be holding it together. Except for the controller incident, which was bad. The watermelon is "eeeehhhhhhhh alright" but nothing exceptional. It cannot hold the grape lokos jock. My motor control seems to be normal as far as I can tell, because I havent pissed on the toilet seat yet. I am not afraid, I can totally handle this challenge. Bring on the fifth.

(Wicket) 9:04- We are playing Tiger Woods and drinking how many strokes we are behind, we drank 12 last hole, it was hole 8, still on two, pray for me, actually don't, probably won't help.

9:12- I am white girl wasted.

9:18- Triple bogey, Fuck You HEADCUT AND POOTY......oh shit we lost that hole.

9:20- Just puked a little in my mouth.

9:24- Poke just hit a wild second shot, probably the most athletic he has ever been in a video game.

9:33- He sucks now.

(Pooty) 9:40- Second loko is done, and I feel like da shit. I could beat a Kenyan in a marathon. I just made Wickett chug his shit....bc he is a massive bitch ass pussy. I was intimidated, now I am intrigued. I am not going to only win this going to blow wicket out of the water like my name as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. 

9:48---I just cracked my third, and I am........................

(Wicket) 9:49- Second loko finished.  Really I am not feeling that drunk, also I am forgetting who I am though, so make the decision for yourself.  I feel great though.  Level of drunk, extreme, level of regret very minimal.  Currently I am thinking 4 four lokos is not enough.

10:00- I am getting better at golf video games proving my ability at fake sports is not affected by alcohol.

10:03- I just missed a short putt, I have never been more disappointed in myself. Also, I just found out that Pooty wikipediaed the Boston Marathon Massacre for the spelling of Dzokhar Tsaernaev.

10:16- I just thought I was taking a practice swing in the video game........I was was a bad ass shot.

UPDATE:::::::Pooty and Wicket are on #3 and are slowing down, I still think 4 is not enough, Pooty is unsure.

10:23- We thought Napoleon quit our game, we freaked the fuck out.

10:25- Crisis averted.  Well we actually just did something else.

10:30- Cards against humanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10:39- Time is moving really slow now.  Fuck.  Level of drunkeness, 78, level of regret a bucket of chicken.

11:30 Saturday- What the fuck happened?


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